Pikes Lane 1
Pikes Lane 1
The Pikes Lane Centre
Deane Road
🌍 web: www.drmirzaandpartners.uk/
📞 phone: 01204463636
- Mrs Janice Langridge Counsellor
- Dr Gillian COUNSELL General Practitioner
- Dr. Mohamed Arif Mirza General Practitioner
- Mrs Andrea Hollman Healthcare Assistant
- Mrs Rakhee Darsot Other
- Mrs Nasima Valli Other
- Miss Jennie Smith Other
- Mr Neil Gregory Practice Manager
- Mrs Anne Spiller Practice Nurse
- Mrs Jacqueline Hibbert Practice Nurse
- Miss Stephanie Hamilton Practice Nurse
- Mrs Jill Lyons Practice Nurse
Opening times
- Monday to Friday: 8:05am - 10:40am and 3:15pm - 6:30pm
- Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Phone in for holiday, emergency or late hours.
Your feedback + claim premises
- Primary care counselling service
- Minor surgery (e.g. removal of moles and skin lesions) - provided in-house
- Learning disability health check
- Child Immunisations
- Baby clinic with health visitor