Chingway Medical Practice
Chingway Medical Practice
7 Ching Way
Greater London
Greater London
🌍 web:
📞 phone: 02084307020
- Mrs Suminder Seehra Administrator
- Mrs Christine Crook Administrator
- Mrs Mary Lewis Administrator
- Mrs Rita Hunt Administrator
- Mrs Shirley Stewart Assistant Practice Manager
- Dr Alesya Alekseeva General Practitioner
- Dr Kam Seehra General Practitioner
- Dr Alfred Garwood General Practitioner
- Dr Anwar Khan General Practitioner
- Mrs Marian Wilson Nurse Practitioner
- Mrs Catherine Edmunds Nurse Practitioner
- Mr Jihan Kibria Practice Manager
- Mrs Deirdre O'Neill Practice Nurse
- Mrs Sonia Bhangu Practice Pharmacist
- Miss Amrita Kaur Reception Staff
- Carol Benson Reception Staff
- Andrea Beazley Reception Staff
- Agnes Speirs Reception Staff
- Miss Carrie-Anne Courtney Reception Staff
- Ms Tanya Sturgess Reception Staff
- Mrs Paula Roberts Reception Staff
- Mrs Carol Noah Reception Staff
- Mrs Kim Rayney Reception Staff
Opening times
- Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 11:00am and 3:00pm - 5:30pm
- Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Phone in for holiday, emergency or late hours.
Your feedback + claim premises
- Minor surgery (e.g. removal of moles and skin lesions) - provided in-house
- Learning disability health check
- COPD clinic with spirometry
- Child Immunisations
- Asthma Clinic