Lakeside Healthcare St Neots
Lakeside Healthcare St Neots
14 Huntingdon Street
St. Neots
PE191BQ📞 phone: 01480406677
- Mrs Debbie Brading Advanced Nurse Practitioner
- Weronika Bialas Diabetes Specialist Nurse
- Dr Robin Baxter General Practitioner
- Dr Claire Murphy General Practitioner
- Dr Hasitha Perera General Practitioner
- Dr Lucy Forster General Practitioner
- Dr Katherine Murnal General Practitioner
- Dr Ruth Batson General Practitioner
- Dr Madeleine Lameris General Practitioner
- Mrs Louise Miller Healthcare Assistant
- Ms Jen Menton Healthcare Assistant
- Karen Templeman Healthcare Assistant
- Mr Steve Hibbitt Other
- Izabela Golonka Other
- Ms Sarah Parren Practice Manager
- Mrs Kathy Smith Practice Nurse
- Pamela James Practice Nurse
- Miss Natalie Smith Practice Nurse
- Hannah Marsh Practice Nurse
- Hannah Skidmore Practice Nurse
Opening times
- Monday & Tuesday, Friday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
- Wednesday & Thursday: 8:00am - 8:15pm
- Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Phone in for holiday, emergency or late hours.
Your feedback + claim premises
- Travel health with yellow fever
- Phlebotomy
- Learning disability health check
- Child Immunisations
- Baby clinic with health visitor
- Asthma Clinic