
The Blackmore Vale Partnership

Fontmell Magna Surgery, West Street, Fontmell Magn

🌍 web:

📞 phone: 01747 856700


  • Dr Damian Patterson
    General Practitioner
  • Dr Katie Perkins
    General Practitioner

Opening times

  • Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 11:30am
  • Friday - Sunday: Closed

Phone in for holiday, emergency or late hours.


  • Minor surgery (e.g. removal of moles and skin lesions) - provided in-house
  • Learning disability health check
  • Asthma Clinic
map for The Blackmore Vale Partnership

Doctors nearby

  1. 3 miles Child Okeford Surgery, DT118EF
  2. 3.6 miles The Blackmore Vale Partnership, SP78DH
  3. 4.9 miles The Blackmore Vale Partnership, DT101QU
  4. 5.1 miles The Blackmore Vale Partnership, DT101PU
  5. 5.1 miles Sturminster Newton Medical Centre, DT101PU
  6. 6.5 miles The Blandford Group Practice, DT117BH
  7. 6.6 miles Gillingham Medical Practice, SP84XS
  8. 7.6 miles Peacemarsh Surgery, SP84FA
  9. 7.9 miles Winterbourne Stickland, DT110NN
  10. 8.6 miles Sixpenny Handley Surgery, SP55PA
  11. 8.7 miles Sixpenny Handley Surgery, SP55PA