Tyme By Carl Cleghorn
NP18Food rating:
4/5 stars
Updated: 10. June 2024
<strong>The conditions found at the time of the inspection were not typical of the normal conditions maintained at the establishment and arose because </strong>at the time of the visit, numerous topics were discussed, I believe there is some confusion on some matters. As the inspector discussed on the phone I only missed out on a 5 as I did not have a specialised HACCP for the trout tart. There was confusion on whether or not the chalk stream trout was exempt from the freeze process and I supplied the evidence from the company itself. The specialised will be in place, but to be given a 4star rating for not having it but my understanding of the process of which I prepare the fish should show confidence enough of the way I operate. and I believe an advisory should have just been stated saying we would like you to have a specialised hack for this. In relations to the ceviche, when creating the hack I was always told to add products that are and will be served and any future product or techniques that you may or may not use, which is what I have done. and as I clearly stated that it is not on the menu. Defrosting on the way to a site, the only product that is traded and kept in a cool box during transport in a frozen choux pastry which was clearly stated by myself. and is defrosted under a temperature control of the cool box. so for this to be stated I strongly believe that this is a misunderstanding. In relation to cooling I clearly explained the cooling process of over an ice bath or submerged in ice water to bring the product to a safe temperature so I don&#39;t understand why this has also been added to schedule a. As I also stated there is no protein water bathing happening at the moment and clearly spoke about the process of what I would do. and have done in the past. water bathing is not a finishing method and the finishing method would be pan fry, bbq etc and core temperature taken. so once again I don&#39;t understand why this is in schedule a. After reviewing all this and also being very disappoint with the result. the only part which I agree with is that I may have for alert help line in there and it will be reviewed asap, however I am now in talks with food alert to bring all my haccp in one place</p>