Blocl help

Frequently Asked Questions

Show me the phone number

Please pay. The payment process is efficient at vetting fraud that the free sites have over the roof.

You can choose plus membership to help us make the site better and keep it going. Premium members have access to phone and messages from any member. Basic members can only phone or text and read replies of premium members. Basic members can message to other basic members on the cost of recipient. Messages from basic member to another basic are unlocked after a while.

We are a company looking to advertise rented accommodation

You'll need plus membership. This allows you to post multiple adverts. 3 of your last updated adverts will also be featured.

When signing up or updating your profile enter your company name in the first name field and a fullstop "." for last name.

My photos won't upload

Only JPEG/JPG, PNG and GIF images will go through.

The browser is stuck for a long time: Be patient and don't close the browser window while it’s "stuck", it’s actually uploading in the background. It does take a while as your upload speed is usually much slower than the download speed. If you get a good web browser, you will enjoy better upload experience on our site.

Plus members: If you are on a device that can't upload, you can email images to from the email address you signed up with. Support staff check it for email spoofing, upload images on your latest advert and send you a confirmation.

Site complains I need to upload a valid image: You can make an image from any file or fix corrupted images using screen grab or print screen.

How can other users contact me?

They type a message in the message box on your advert, or give you call or text if you are a premium member.

Sending a message will also signup users to receive replies if needed. If they didn't do so already, they are asked to post an advert for you to check out and offered a premium membership.

If you see a sender with an empty profile, they are still probably working on their advert or been too busy. Reply and check.

How do I delete my ad?

Please delete your adverts if you no longer need them. Go to your ads, hit deactivate. This controls whether your ad shows in the listings. You can still put it back on, if needed again. When your add is off, you can also delete it for good. This will obliterate your ad, any related messages and pictures completely from the system. Yay!

I put my advert in my town, but I can't find it if I use the search filter

Often saving the advert again or turning it off and back on will clear out issues, plus it will put you back on top of search results in your town and county. Don't leave your maximum age as 99 years, unless off course you or someone in your group is that age :). It is encouraged to leave the top age high and welcoming in the preferences though.

The search for couple and pet friendly lets is not working as you would expect as it shows lets offered by pet owners and couples. We are looking into a workable solution.

I received an enquiry from someone who is not looking in my area / didn't seem to read my preferences. Is this a real person?

If you think the advert or message is dodgy, please flag the advert for us to look at. Tenants and flatmates also can only choose 1 city or town on their advert, even thought they may be flexible. As with age or other preferences, many people would naturally still like to check whether you are flexible as this is often the case. Tenants can state more areas in their description.

I forgot my password/username. Help!

If you cannot remember your password, send yourself a link to set a new one. If it doesn't work, contact us stating your name, full surname, correct email (double check) and any other email addresses you might have used. We’ll get you sorted.

How do I get more responses?

We advertise the site heavily and cleverly, getting you the enquiries you need or a place you want.

  1. Improve your advert. Upload at least 1 or more pictures. This will give users a better idea of you or your property, so they don't shy away contacting you.
  2. Consider plus membership. This gives your ad the best exposure, keeping your ad at the top of search results and enables basic members to phone or text you.
  3. Check the site regularly, be proactive. This will keep your ad near the top of listings gaining you the best exposure.
  4. Actively look for rooms or tenants and contact them, don't just expect them to fall on your lap.

How do I post more adverts?

Upgrade to plus membership to post multiple ads.

How does my ad get to the top of the listings?

When you are logged-in and active on the site your advert goes to the top of the listings in your area. Adverts of premium members are listed first. Ads of active members are bumped up every 10 minutes. If you edit and save your advert it goes to the top instantly.

If you have multiple ads, you can edit and save any of them to bring that advert to the top of the results. Your last updated ad goes to the top of results automatically whenever you are active on the site.

The map is wrong. How do I change my position on the map?

Go to your ads, hit edit, scroll down, drag the map marker to the correct position and save.

Sometimes the aerial and street view imagery is out of date or not available at all. Keeping this data updated is up to the companies who deliver the service.

I am new to flatsharing / foreigner / I don't have experience renting. How do I get some professional advice?

We have a full advice centre covering over 40 subjects, just visit our help section.

How do I report a dodgy advert or message?

Please leave a note in the issues box at the bottom of the suspicious ad or message or email us. You can enclose your e-mail trail as well.

How do I search for rooms or tenants?

On the home page you’ll see the search box. Type in the area, select one of the suggestions and hit search. On the search results rooms will appear on the left and tenants on the right.

What do I do if I’m still stuck?

Use the feedback box below for a quick reply. We are also on