Askham Bryan College
Askham Bryan College
Askham Bryan
Askham Bryan
North Yorkshire
📞 phone: 01904 772277
chief executive: Dr Tim Whitaker
🌍 web:
16 plus — Further education
- 130595
- Education phase
- 16 plus
- Establishment type
- Further education
- Establishment #
- 8300
- OSGB coordinates
- Easting: 455167, Northing: 447494
- GPS coordinates
- Latitude: 53.921, Longitude: -1.1615
- Accepting pupils
- 16—99 years old
- Ofsted last inspection
- 22. September 2023
- Region › Const. › Ward
- Yorkshire and the Humber › York Outer › Rural West York
- Further education type
- Land-Based College
- Learning provider ref #
- 10000415
- Further & higher education #
- 105948