Paganel Primary School
Swinford Road
Selly Oak
West Midlands
West Midlands
📞 phone: 01214 645040
👩🏫 headteacher: Mrs Bethan Gingell
✉️ reveal email: enqu…@paganelp.bham.sch.ukreveal
🌍 web:
Last updated:
Primary — Community school
- 134281
- Education phase
- Primary
- Establishment type
- Community school
- Establishment #
- 2021
- Open date
- 1. August 2004
- Reason open
- Result of Amalgamation
- OSGB coordinates
- Easting: 402231, Northing: 282912
- GPS coordinates
- Latitude: 52.444, Longitude: -1.9686
- Accepting pupils
- 3—11 years old
- Boarders
- No boarders
- Census date
- 20. January 2022
- Ofsted last inspection
- 11. March 2020
- Region › Const. › Ward
- West Midlands › Birmingham, Edgbaston › Weoley & Selly Oak
- Free school meals %
- 57.70
- Learning provider ref #
- 10076652
School governors
- Mrs Bethan Gingell, Governor
(1. September 2016—31. August 2116) - Mr Rob Mcgettrick, Chair of Governors
(2. September 2018—31. August 2022) - Mr Anthony Bottle, Governor
(1. September 2019—31. August 2023) - Mrs Vicki Shuter, Governor
(17. September 2019—16. September 2023) - Miss Sarah Dargavel, Governor
(13. October 2020—12. October 2024) - Mr Daniel Rudd, Governor
(26. January 2021—25. January 2025) - Mr Paul Grinham, Governor
(30. September 2021—29. September 2025) - Ms Charlotte Gibson, Governor
(2. December 2021—1. December 2025) - Mr Rob McGettrick, Chair of Governors
(3. October 2022—31. August 2023)