- Blocl
- Schools
- East Sussex
- Lewes
Schools in Lewes
- 699
pupilsLewes Old Grammar School
140 High Street, Lewes, East Sussex, BN71XS
- 1.2k
pupilsPriory School
Mountfield Road, BN72XN
- 237
pupilsSouth Malling CofE Primary and Nursery School
Church Lane, BN72HS
- 310
pupilsSouthover CofE Primary School
Potters Lane, BN71JP
- 275
pupilsWallands Community Primary and Nursery School
Gundreda Road, BN71PU
- 211
pupilsWestern Road Community Primary School
Southover High Street, BN71JB
- 51
pupilsLewes New School
Talbot Terrace, BN72DS
- Lewes Tutorial Unit
Mountfield Road, BN72XH
- 41
pupilsPells Church of England Primary School
Landport Road, BN72SU
- Pells CofE Infant School
Landport Road, BN72SU
- Pells CofE Junior School
Talbot Terrace, BN72DS
- 33
pupilsSt Pancras Catholic Primary School
De Montfort Road, BN71SR
- Stream Edge School
Rotten Row, BN71LS
- Sussex Downs College
Mountfield Road, BN72XH