- Blocl
- Schools
- Hertfordshire
- Hitchin
Schools in Hitchin
- 204
pupilsHighbury Infant School and Nursery
Standhill Road, SG49AG
- 428
pupilsHighover Junior Mixed and Infant School
Cambridge Road, SG40JP
- 1.3k
pupilsHitchin Boys' School
Grammar School Walk, SG51JB
- 1.4k
pupilsHitchin Girls' School
Highbury Road, SG49RS
- 181
pupilsMary Exton Primary School
St Michael's Road, SG40QA
- 218
pupilsOughton Primary and Nursery School
Mattocke Road, SG52NZ
- 154
pupilsOur Lady Catholic Primary School
Old Hale Way, SG51XT
- 167
pupilsPurwell Primary School
Fairfield Way, SG40PU
- 420
pupilsSamuel Lucas Junior Mixed and Infant School
Gaping Lane, SG52JQ
- 252
pupilsSt Andrew's Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School, Hitchin
Benslow Lane, SG49RD
- 199
pupilsStrathmore Infant and Nursery School
Old Hale Way, SG51XR
- 1.2k
pupilsThe Priory School
Bedford Road, SG52UR
- 240
pupilsWhitehill Junior School
Whitehill Road, SG49HT
- 422
pupilsWilliam Ransom Primary School
Stuart Drive, SG49QB
- 267
pupilsWilshere-Dacre Junior Academy
Fishponds Road, SG51NS
- 107
pupilsYork Road Nursery School
York Road, SG51XA
- Hexton Junior Mixed and Infant School
Hexton, SG53JL
- Hitchin Boys' School
Grammar School Walk, SG51JB
- Hitchin Girls' School
Highbury Road, SG49RS
- Oughtonhead Infants' School
Mattocke Road, SG52NZ
- Oughtonhead Junior School
Mattocke Road, SG52NZ
- Our Lady Roman Catholic Primary School
Old Hale Way, SG51XT
- The Chrysalis School for Autism
Units 8 & 9, The Glover Centre, Bury Mead Road, SG51RT
- Wilshere-Dacre Junior School
Fishponds Road, SG51NS