- Blocl
- Schools
- Sandwell
- Wednesbury
Schools in Wednesbury
- 266
pupilsAlbert Pritchard Infant School
Crew Road, WS109QG
- 246
pupilsHolyhead Primary Academy
Holyhead Road, WS107PZ
- 433
pupilsMesty Croft Primary
St Luke's Road, WS100QY
- 467
pupilsOld Park Primary School
Old Park Road, WS109LX
- 230
pupilsPark Hill Primary School
Coronation Road, WS100TJ
- 192
pupilsSt John's Church of England Primary Academy
Addison Terrace, WS109AR
- 234
pupilsSt Mary's Catholic Primary School
Manor House Road, WS109PN
- 861
pupilsStuart Bathurst Catholic High School
Wood Green Road, WS109QS
- 1.5k
pupilsWood Green Academy
Wood Green Road, WS109QU
- 347
pupilsWood Green Junior School
Hobs Road, WS109BW
- 246
pupilsHolyhead Primary School
Holyhead Road, WS107PZ
- Mesty Croft Primary School
St Luke's Road, WS100QY
- St John's CofE Primary School
Addison Terrace, WS107AL
- 234
pupilsSt Mary's Catholic Primary School
Manor House Road, WS109PN
- 886
pupilsStuart Bathurst Catholic High School
Wood Green Road, WS109QS
- Wood Green High School College of Sport, Maths and Computing
Wood Green Road, WS109QU