- Blocl
- Schools
- Nottinghamshire
- Bingham
Schools in Bingham
- 113
pupilsBingham Primary School
50 Burrows Drive, NG137AT
- 455
pupilsCarnarvon Primary School
Nursery Road, Bingham, NG138EH
- 25
pupilsColston Bassett School Limited
School Lane, Colston Bassett, NG123FD
- 87
pupilsGunthorpe CofE Primary School
Davids Lane, Gunthorpe, NG147EW
- 87
pupilsLangar CofE Primary School
Barnstone Road, Langar, NG139HH
- 151
pupilsOrston Primary School
Church Street, Orston, NG139NS
- 128
pupilsRobert Miles Infant School
School Lane, Bingham, NG138FE
- 245
pupilsRobert Miles Junior School
Market Place, Bingham, NG138AP
- 1.9k
pupilsToot Hill School
The Banks, Bingham, NG138BL
- 178
pupilsBingham Robert Miles Infant School
School Lane, Fairfield Street, NG138FE
- Colston Bassett Primary School
School Lane, Colston Bassett, NG123FD
- 92
pupilsGunthorpe CofE Primary School
Davids Lane, Gunthorpe, NG147EW
- Hobby Horse Nursery School
School Lane, East Stoke, NG138SD
- 101
pupilsLangar CofE Primary School
Barnstone Road, Langar, NG139HH
- Robert Miles Junior School
Market Place, Bingham, NG138AP
- Toot Hill School
The Banks, Bingham, NG138BL