- Blocl
- Schools
- Nottinghamshire
- Bircotes
Schools in Bircotes
- 203
pupilsHarworth CofE Academy
Scrooby Road, Harworth, DN118JT
- 34
pupilsMattersey Primary School
Thorpe Road, Mattersey, DN105ED
- 944
pupilsSerlby Park Academy
Whitehouse Road, Bircotes, DN118EF
- 110
pupilsSt Patrick's Catholic Primary School
Whitehouse Road, Bircotes, DN118EF
- All Saints Harworth CofE (Aided) Primary School
Scrooby Road, Harworth, DN118JT
- North Border Infant and Nursery School
Snipe Park Road, Bircotes, DN118DH
- North Border Junior School
Shrewsbury Road, Bircotes, DN118DD
- Serlby Park A 3-18 Business and Enterprise Learning Community
Whitehouse Road, Bircotes, DN118EF
- 106
pupilsSt Patrick's Catholic Primary School
Whitehouse Road, Bircotes, DN118EF